Peanut is our main Stud. He is our Gorgeous Blenheim boy. His parents are Duke and Duchess. He weighs about 14lbs.
Peanut has 35 Champions in his 5 generation pedigree and passes on 20 to his puppies. He has lines from Sheeba, Homebrent, Castlemar, Voncross, just to name a few.
Prince is our smallest Stud. He is a beautiful and sweetheart of a Tri male. He is about 12 lbs.
Prince has 11 champions in his 5 generation Pedigree and he passes on 4 to his puppies.
Snicker's is a beautiful Chocolate male. Our newest addition for our breeding program(Chocolate and Chocolate Tri are recognized Colors with AKC) He is a smaller male only weighing about 12 pounds. He is very sweet.
Tinkerbell is a beautiful Blenheim female. She is my tiny girl only weighing 10 lbs. Peanut is her Daddy and Duke and Duchess are her Grandparents.
Tinkerbell has 30 Champions in her 5 Generation Pedigree and she passes 12 to her babies. Many wonderful lines including Voncross, Sheeba, Homebrent, and Castlemar to name a few.
Anna and Elsa are littermates. They are both really sweet girls. Anna is about 19 lbs and Elsa about 15 lbs.
Anna and Elsa have the Homebrent, Sheeba and Pascavale lines. They have 9 Champions and pass on 3 to babies.
Lily is mom's Angel. She is a sweetheart. She is about 14 lbs. Her Daddy is Duke.
Lily has 13 Champions in her 5 Generation pedigree and she passes 8 to her puppies. She has lines from Sheeba &Castlemar, just to name a couple.
Duchess is now retired and in her furever home. She super loved and doing great. She weighed in at 12 Lbs. But I believe she shows being so loved now, so more than 12 lbs now. LOL.
Duchess has 34 Champions in her 5 generation pedigree and she passes on 19 to her puppies. She has lines from Castlemar, Immenhof and Sheeba to name a few of her lines.
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